3D 프린터 해외사이트 총집합
- 3DMECHA/3D 프린터
- 2015. 1. 29. 17:40
3D 프린터 해외사이트 총집합
3D프린터 모임
국내 3d프린터카페 3D동에서 의역한 자료입니다.
원출처는 fabbaloo.com이구요. 국내 정보가 필요하시면 카페에서 알아보실수 있습니다.
http://cafe.naver.com/3ddong 3d프린터 동호회
3d프린터가 무엇인지 알고싶나요?
그렇다면 아래 링크를 클릭하세요
일반적인 3d프린터에 대한 설명을 보실수 있습니다
- Wikipedia on 3D Printing
- Wikipedia on Desktop Manufacturing
- Wikipedia on Digital Fabrication
- What is a Fabber?
3D프린터 제작이 궁금하시나요?
아래 사이트들에 오픈소스가 공개되어있습니다.
- B9Creator - Produces kits for an open source resin-based personal 3D printer
- eMAKERShop - Produces RepRap kits and parts for assembly
- Eventorbot - Produces designs and parts for a low cost, self-reproducible personal 3D printer
- Fab@Home - An open source project providing instructions (and sometimes parts) for an extrusion-based 3D Printer
- Fabbster - A personal 3D printer kit using unique injection-molded plastic filament
- MakersToolWorks - Produces kits using their MendelMax design.
- MakiBOX - Very inexpensive personal 3D printer kits
- pwdr - An open source 3D printer using a fused powder approach instead of a plastic extrusion process
- RepRap - The academic and open source research project focusing on the application of new technology for inexpensive 3D printers. Their objective: to make a machine that can replicate itself
- SumPod - A low cost unit combining CNC and 3D printing in one box
저가형 3D프린터 제조사
저렴한 3D프린터를 구입하고 싶으시다면 아래 사이트들 참고하세요~
- A1-Technologies - Produces the Maxit, designed for the education market
- Afinia 3D printer - An assembled plastic extrusion personal 3D printer
- Bits From Bytes - Produces the RapMan and related 3D printer products, primarily addressing the academic and home markets. Now part of the 3D Systems family of companies
- CB-Printer - Produces a very robust, all-metal personal 3D printer in kit or assembled form
- Choc-Edge - Makes a 3D printer specifically designed to print chocolate, the Choc Creator
- Cubify - 3D Systems' line of already-assembled, easy-to-use personal 3D printers
- Deezmaker - Makes the Bukobot, which features an expandable build volume
- Felix Printers - Produces the Felix personal 3D printer
- Formlabs - Produces a very popular high-resolution resin-based personal 3D printer
- Imagine - Produces a syringe-based personal 3D printer, capable of printing food and other squishy substances
- Leapfrog - Produces the popular Creatr plastic extrusion machine, and a larger version, the Xeed
- Lulzbot - A reprap-based open source design, but fully assembled and ready to print
- MakerBot - A growing manufacturer of popular 3D Printer kits based on the RepRap approach. All designs are open sourced
- MakeMendel - Produces kits or assembled versions of the RapidBot 3D printer
- PP3DP - Manufactures the "Up!" micro factory personal portable 3D printer
- Solidoodle - A robustly made personal 3D printer
- Type A Machines - Produces personal 3D printers with large build volumes
- Ultimaker - Ultra-fast RepRap derived 3D printer
일반적인, 비지니스용 3D프린터 제조사
제품 모델링이나 건축 모형들을 전문적으로 제작하고싶으신 경우 아래 3D프린터 사이트들 방문해보세요
- 3D Systems - One of the largest companies in the space, with wide holdings in printers (incl. ZCorp), software and services
- Arcam - Produces 3D printers capable of printing in metal
- Dimension - Stratasys's line of commercial 3D Printers, from large to small
- envisionTEC - Produces a variety of specialized 3D Printing equipment and materials
- EOS - Makes a line of 3D printers capable of printing in a wide variety of materials
- ExOne - Produces metal and sand industrial 3D printers
- FORTUS - Stratasys's line of industrial production manufacturing machines
- Lithoz - Produces the Cerafab, a high-res ceramic printer
- MCOR - Makes the MCOR Matrix 300, the only 3D printer that uses plain paper as its print material
- Objet Geometries - A leading 3D Printer manufacturer with several interesting product lines with unique features
- Optomec - Produces large industrial metal 3D printers
- Stratasys - The owner of Dimension, Fortus and RedEye on Demand
- VoxelJet - Produces commercial 3D printers with massive capacity
- ZCorp - Makes a line of very popular color-capable 3D printers, often used by 3D print services
3D프린터 비지니스 사이트
3D프린터가 없다구요? 모델링을 못한다구요?
아래 사이트들 참고하세요
뭐든 의뢰하면 됩니다~
- 3D Printing Price Check - Compare prices for a given 3D model among six different services
- 3D ProParts - One of the largest 3D Print Services, owned by 3D Systems
- i.Materialise - 3D print service focusing on individual and personal applications
- Impression-3D - 3D print service based in France
- Industrial Plastic Fabrication - A UK based 3D print service offering a variety of capabilities
- KraftWurx - A comprehensive, distributed 3D print service
- Materialise - Another large 3D Print Service, offering a variety of capabilities focusing on industrial applications
- Ponoko - A distributed manufacturing service, offering 3D printing as one of its many features
- QuickParts - A large custom parts service, owned by 3D Systems
- PrintTo3D - A small custom 3D print shop
- RedEye On Demand - The services arm of Stratasys, offering a wide variety of capabilities
- Sculpteo - A consumer-oriented 3D print service offering some customized design services
- Shapeways - A unique, consumer-oriented 3D Print Service with a vast library of objects and large selection of print materials
3D프린터 책모음
정말 여러가지 책들이 있습니다. 3d프린팅,모델링,디자인,그리고 3D프린터 산업 자체에 대한 책까지요
대표적인 책들 모아봅니다
- Makers: The New Industrial Revolution
- Getting Started With MakerBot
- 1800 Mechanical Movements, Devices and Appliances
- Rule 34
- How to Cast Small Metal and Rubber Parts (2nd Edition)
- Practical 3D Printers: The Science and Art of 3D Printing
- 507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices
- Beginning Google Sketchup for 3D Printing
- The CNC Cookbook: An Introduction to the Creation and Operation of Computer Controlled Mills, Router Tables, Lathes, and More
- Build Your Own CNC Machine
3D프린터 커뮤니티
3D프린터로 돈벌고 싶나요?
아래 사이트들을 통해 소비자와 연결할수 있네요
(3D동의 추후 지향점입니다~)
- 100K Garages - Community of fabrication workshops
- KraftWurx - A comprehensive, distributed 3D print service
- makexyz - A participative 3D printing network
- MakerFactory - Auction-based matching service
- WhatCanIMakeForYou - Generic making site matches makers to buyers
3D프린터 아티스트
예술가들은 늘 새로운 소재를 찾죠
매혹적인 3d프린터 예술가들의 사이트 입니다
- .MGX - Shop for amazing furniture artwork created with 3D printing technology
- Bathsheba Grossman - Explores 3D mathematical artwork, often using 3D Print technology
- Freedom of Creation - A design house that produces amazing works for consumers using 3D technology
- Janne Kyttanen - 3D artist who often uses 3D Print technology in his amazing works
- Laura West - Operates RPSculpt, which attempts to create art using new rapid prototyping tools and approaches
- Robert Geshlider - Amazing limited run composite sculptures made from multiple 3D prints
- SMArchitecture - Experimental design using advanced fabrication tech
- UNFOLD Design Studio - A wide variety of interesting designs, some for sale
3d 모델링 소프트웨어 사이트
3d프린터를 사용하려면 모델링을 알아야하죠
아래 사이트들이 매혹적인 도안을 제작하는데 도움 줄거에요~
- 3DS Max - High-end commercial 3D modeling tool
- Arnarkik 3D Design - Amazing haptic-based 3D modeling software (requires haptic input device)
- AC3D - Inexpensive multiplatform 3D modeling tool
- Alibre - Comprehensive but lower cost 3D modeling system
- AutoCAD - Well-known 3D design tool
- Cheetah3D - Easy to use 3D modeling tool for OS/X
- FormZ - Commercial product offering not only modeling but comprehensive import/export functions
- GeoMagic - High-end 3D modeling, haptic and reverse engineering software
- Maya - High-end commercial 3D modeling tool
- Magics - Software for the rapid prototyping and manufacturing professional
- NetFabb - Commercial product focusing on preparing models for 3D printing (Free Basic version available)
- RapidForm - High-end 3D reverse engineering tool
- Rhino3D - Commercial 3D modeling tool
- SolidWorks - High-end commercial 3D modeling tool
- ZBrush - High-end commercial 3D modeling tool
3d 모델링 소프트웨어 사이트(무료)
무료 모델링 소프트웨어를 원하신다면 아래 사이트들 참고하세요
- 123D Design - Autodesk downloadable software offers great basic 3D modeling capability
- Art of Illusion - Open source multiplatform 3D modeling tool
- Blender - The most widely used Open Source 3D modeling tool, but beware, it has a steep learning curve
- FreeCAD - Comprehensive, but experimental open source CAD tool offering 2D, 3D and scripting
- K-3D - Open source multiplatform 3D modeling tool
- MeshLab - A very useful Open Source multiplatform Mesh management tool. Fix broken models!
- MeshMixer - A 3D tool permits drag and drop recombinations of and repairs of STL files
- MiniMagics - Free .STL file view and repair tool (Windows), includes English, German and Japanese versions
- NetFabb - Commercial product focusing on preparing models for 3D printing (Free Basic version available)
- OpenSCAD - An open source CAD program; uses a programmatic interface, not a visual interface, typically used for designing mechanical or engineering parts
- RapCAD - An open source project attempting to build on OpenSCAD
- Sculptris - Free Windows-based free-form 3D modeling tool
- SketchUp - Another widely used multiplatform 3D tool; it is easy to learn but the free version has limitations
웹기반 3d모델링 툴
컴퓨터에 설치하지마시구 웹에서 직접 모델링 하세요
- 123D Design - Autodesk web software offering basic 3D modeling capability
- 123Catch - Autodesk's photo-to-model service. Converts several images into a 3D model
- 3D Tin - Online 3D modeling tool, offering an easy building-block design style
- Tinkercad - Online 3D modeling tool with some interesting capabilities
무료 3D모델링 파일
다른사람들이 제작한 3d모델링 파일을 원하신다면~
아래 사이트들 참고하세요
무료로 다운받으실수있습니다
그리고 당신의 모델링 파일도 공유해보세요~
- CNC King - Commercial repository of tested 3D models
- Ponoko Product Plans Buy a design, modify and upload to Ponoko to make it
- Shapeways 3D Parts Database Creative-commons licensed downloadable 3D models
- Thingiverse Open source 3D model repository, very active with new models appearing every hour
3D 스캐너와 스캐닝 서비스
3D프린터의 짝꿍이 3D스캐너죠
아래 사이트들에서 정보 얻으실수 있습니다
- 123D Catch - Free web-based 3D scanning service
- Creaform - Makers of the highly capable HandyScan handheld 3D scanner
- Cubify Capture - Free web-based 3D model capture
- DAVID-Laser Scanner - Is an Open Source 3D scanning solution
- Laser Design - Provides laser-based scanning systems - and services, too
- NextEngine - Manufactures an inexpensive 3D scanning system
- ReconstructMe - Low cost software for 3D scans using Microsoft Kinect sensor
- Skanect - Low cost software for 3D scans using Microsoft Kinect sensor
3D프린터 재료와 악세사리 정보 사이트
3D프린터를 개조하고 싶으시다면 아래 사이트들 참고하세요
프린트 재료구입도 가능합니다
- Bucktown Polymers - Sells liquid polymers for photo-cured resin 3D printers
- Fabberworld - Swiss-based 3D printing shop
- Faberdashery - Sells a wide variety of colorful PLA filament by the meter or in spools
- FormFutura - Offers a good selection of plastic filaments
- MakerBot - MakerBot's store offers a huge selection of plastic filaments
- MakerGear - Focused on 3D printer kits and parts; sells several types of plastic
- Orbi-Tech - Sells print material, including an amazing flexible PLA plastic
- Plastic Webshop - ABS and PLA filament in multiple sizes and colors
- RepRapCentral - RepRap-based equipment & material, including full 3D printer kits
- RepRapPro - RepRap-based equipment & material, including full 3D printer kits
- RepRapSource - Sells a variety of items for RepRap-based equipment, including full 3D printer kits
- Ultimachine - Sells parts, kits and plastic, focused on RepRap equipment
3D프린터 블로그
뭐니뭐니 해도 최신자료는 블로그죠
아래 블로그들에서 최신 정보 얻으실수 있습니다.
- Engineering.Com - Industrial blog, includes a 3D print section
- i.Materialise - 3D print blog by Materialise, covering developments in the 3D print space
- Open3DP - By the University of Washington, where experiments in cutting-edge materials science take place
- Rapid Product Development - Rapid Prototyping news
- Replicator - By Joseph Flaherty, who writes about "companies and products that combine the connectivity of the internet with the physicality of products"
- RepRap - A very technical group blog by the RepRap Project, who are discovering much of the base technology used by the hobbyist manufacturers
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